Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Last Post - yes wheelie!

Our journey completed!
A tricky backing challenge
This trailer has 9 lives to be sure!
Lovely billabong at Trangie
Our last Cabin at Cobar
I know you're going to find this hard to believe but we actually had a trouble-free day today!! We left Cobar at 7.15 this morning - the car started and kept going what's more! We arrived at Hubbards at 3.30 having travelled 14,000 kms in 63 days! A large proportion of these kms were on gravel roads including tens of thousands of corrugations!! We've seen lots of amazing scenery, met many interesting people, negotiated some pretty awful roads and discovered once again what a huge and diverse country we live in. Warwick also discovered that you don't have to go too far without finding some water to wallow in!! Someone once said "You'll never never know if you never never go" and that's VERY true. So start making plans!
Thankyou for following our travels and do hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did. Now in hind sight even the wheels falling off added excitement to our adventures.
This is your roving reporter signing off on behalf of the 4 Hubbisons

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