Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gibb River Road Adventure continues!

8th August continued: We arrived at Mt Barnett Road House and by 9pm, with our tent home set up, sausage sizzle for dinner and a hot shower, courtesy of main roads' campsite, we rolled into our bunks.

The next day, half way along the GRR, we turned onto Kalumburu Road - really heading into the deep wilderness now - no internet or mobile phones! Camped at Drysdale River Station and prepared to leave trailer, scale down our gear to stage our assault on Kalamburu and Mitchell Falls Plateau. Y and F are continuing to feel uneasy - the road is torrid.

10th August: After a good night's sleep and considering the potential for vehicle damage, lack of petrol supplies (this is diesel country) and the desire to make it back to Springwood by mid-September, we decided not to drive to Kalumburu and Mitchell Falls but to fly there from Kununurra. B and W had been tempted to leave Y and F for a week to tackle this section but we decided that "discretion is the better part of valour". (So we are sending them and we'll sit by the Lodge pool for the week - maybe not!)

11th August: The outrageously decorated WA Variety Bash vehicles started arriving at 'Drysdale' mid afternoon, hooting and with loud music. About 40 vehicles made it by nightfall - others still on the road - several headed straight for the mechanical workshop!

12th August: The next morning we witnessed 'Bash' cars leaving - several still in the workshop being patched up. We set off and passed 6 or 7 vehicles broken down - the breakdown crews are kept very busy! Oh No! we have lost another trailer wheel and have been travelling on the wheel hub. Bob back-tracked and retrieved the errant wheel. The adaptor wheel plate welding had broken! B and F took off to find a workshop 50 ks away whilst Y and W stayed with the trailer once again! 3 hours later they were back. 30ks down the road disaster: back Landrover tyre shredded after colliding with a large rock!! Hasty wheel change and arrived at Home Valley Station (HV8) just before restaurant closing time. HV8 was opened in 2008 by the Indingenous Land Corporation (ILC) . This is a national body set up by the Keating government for training indigenous youth. This is a fabulous Resort! There are many more ILC establishments around Oz.

14th August: W and Y went for a 3 hour station tour with Clayton, our aboriginal guide. Next set off along the GRR towards the Pentecost River crossing. Dozens of NSW Variety Bash cars waiting to cross the river in the opposite direction - several stalling mid-stream and needing towing. Bob drove us accross without a hitch! Met Lindsay Currey, Springwood Real Estate Agent in the line up waiting to cross - dressed up in Hippie gear - Bob knows him and stopped to have a chat. Finally we completed the Gibb River Road treck!!

Off to Wyndham on beautiful bitumen!! They had just had their 125th Town Anniversary weekend. Wyndham was where the movie 'Mad Bastards' was made and there is another film being made there at the moment! It has a long history as an important Port town. Community slowed down when Abbatoir was closed in 1986 - the Indonesians wanted live cattle. Trucking of cattle along the GRR to Broome came alive at that time. From the fantastic lookout above the port can be seen the 5 rivers (Pentecost, Ord, Durack, Forrest and King) flowing into Cambridge Gulf. We celebrated W's 68th birthday at the Port Hotel with wonderful Barra and Chips!

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