At last we can end the long silence!! We have been out of internet service since our assault on the GRR and even now I'm using the computer at the Wyndham 'Telecentre' as I still can't use my mobile broadband here. So to recap -
Monday 1st August: Today we start the infamous Gibb River Road. We stopped at Mowanjam Arts Centre just 10ks out of Derby - very distinctive Kimberley Art featuring the Wandjana, the Creator Spirit. Problem - can't start Landrover - ignition lock jammed! Panic - can't head into GRR country like this. Finally Bob got it started then back to Derby to Locksmith. "We'll have to go back to Broome, 220ks". Acquired new computer-cut ignition key and super lubricant - looks ok. Celebrated with 1.8L tub of ice-cream! Headed back towards Derby. Camped overnight at the Roebuck Plains Roadhouse - last tentsite!
Tuesday 2nd August: Just 3 ks along the road a trailer wheel almost came off! Bob discovered the wheel-bearing ok but the wheel adaptor plate welding had sheared off!! Bob and Fay took off to Broome again to get it re-welded again. Y and W stayed with the disabled trailer on the roadside. 4 hours later we were mobile again - now too late to start the GRR. Camped overnight at Willaire Bridge Roadhouse - "how about we stay 2 nights for some R and R?" - beautiful green grass oasis with pool.
Thursday 4th August: We headed to start the GRR - suddenly the engine conked out in mid-flight. Bob inspected under the bonnet - the coil lead had come adrift - soon going again. Arrived at Windjana Gorge, one of the most beautiful and popular gorges in the Kimberley. Walkedinto the gorge and sighted several fresh-water crocs lazing on the creek edge.
Friday 5th August: Next big challenge was Tunnel Creek - Fay wasn't too sure about this! 750m of subterranian creek through cold water. Armed with cameras, torch and shoes we plunged in and waded up to our armpits in the first 100mtrs! With a little guidance from an experienced tunneller we all made it through and back again. Fay is more than an explorer than she realised! We have been watching the antics of a lively Great Bower Bird performing for his girlfriends.
Saturday 6th August: Off to Bell Gorge - a rough walk into a magnificent gorge - swimming pools, waterfalls - just incredible landscape, palms and all. W and R enjoyed the swimming. F and Y enjoyed watching them! Solar-powered showers and flush toilets in National Park Campground. Lots of Double Bar and crimsonFinches! Y ran into a friend from Springwood!!
Moving on on the GRR we passed the Mt Hart Wilderness Lodge and several other gorges - you can't do them all. Went into Adcock Gorge and disaster struck again! The other trailer wheel came off the completely - the wheel-bearing totally shot and the stub axle badly scored. Bob had a spare wheel-bearing set on board but we'd lost the axle nut and grease cap. Some 4 hours later Bob had manufactured a wedge at the Imintji Roadhouse Workshop to reinforce the axle. Six hours later, the last hour under torchlight, Bob had the wheel back on and off we set to find a campsite for the night at Mt Barnett Roadhouse. Until next time love to all..........................
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